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On Sunday, June 2nd, we celebrate Corpus Christi with the procession outside the church. The procession will occur after the 11:00 Polish Mass (procession will start around noon).
Literally from the Latin, Corpus Christi means “the Body of Christ.” The Solemnity of Corpus Christi, celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday, is in honor of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and to recall the institution of the Blessed Sacrament; it was ordered celebrated by Pope Urban IV in 1264 at the request of St. Thomas Aquinas. It is customary to carry the Blessed Sacrament in procession about the church, often stopping at temporary altars to give benediction, with final benediction at the main altar of the church. The original office of this feast was written largely by St. Thomas Aquinas and is considered one of the most beautiful of the Roman Breviary.
ALL DAY ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT from 9AM until 6:45PM. Holy Masses at 8AM (Eng.) and 7PM (Pol.).
Global Rosary Relay To Encourage Prayer For Priests
The Global Rosary Relay for Priests’ fourth annual event will take place this June 7, providing an opportunity for worldwide prayer to support priests in their ministry. Participants in the relay will say a rosary at a scheduled time for one half hour to thank God for priests and to ask the Virgin Mary’s protection for priests. This means the same continuous rosary will be prayed around the clock.
The day of prayer will begin with the Joyful Mysteries at the Basilica of Our Lady of Victories in Melbourne at 11 a.m. local time June 7. It will then progress westward through Asia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Europe and Africa before reaching the Americas.
1700th Anniversary of Edict of Milan
A seminar in Istanbul marking the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan (May 17-18) reflected from different religious perspectives on the far reaching consequences of Emperor Constantine’s decree allowing freedom of worship for Christians throughout the Roman empire. Speakers and delegates from across Europe, including Metropolitan Hilarion from the Russian Orthodox Church, also discussed the historical, legal and political challenges to religious freedom on the continent today. “Pope Francis…calls on civil authorities everywhere, in the light of Constantine’s historic decree, to respect the right of believers to worship freely and to express their faith publicly. At the same time he invites all European citizens to recognize the role that Christianity has played in shaping our culture, and to remain open to the continuing contribution that Christian believers can make in this regard.”

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